If your infant or child has been diagnosed with Ebstein’s anomaly, an understanding of the condition will help you to cope with this rare and complex congenital (present at birth) heart defect. While very serious, Ebstein’s Anomaly is treatable surgically at Boston Children’s Hospital, and the outlook for many babies with this cardiac defect is very promising! Visit their website to read more about Ebstein’s Anomaly.
The Boston Children's Hospital Heart Center cares for children with congenital heart defects that involve absent or malfunctioning heart valves. Their surgeons have a strong record of excellence in heart-valve repair and replacement, including minimally-invasive techniques.
The Mayo Clinic has many cardiologist who have treated people with Ebstein’s Anomaly. Many cardiologists here also have experience in treating congenital heart disease (congenital cardiologists) and have treated thousands of people who have congenital heart diseases for more than 60 years. Cardiologists, surgeons and other specialists in the Center for Congenital Heart Disease work closely to care for you. Visit their website to read more relating to their dealings with Ebstein’s Anomaly.

Dr. José da Silva, MD comes to Pittsburgh to help establish the new Center for Valve Therapy at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. Dr. da Silva is internationally recognized as the creator of the cone procedure for Ebstein’s anomaly. The cone procedure has been the worldwide standard for the surgical treatment of Ebstein’s anomaly for years. As part of the Heart Institute, the Center for Valve Therapy is dedicated to the care of children and adults with congenital heart defects that involve absent or poorly functioning heart valves. – Link to a recent article about a patient of Dr. da Silva’s: